My animation for the NATA open round is DONE! Though, I'm gonna keep editing bits and pieces until the deadline. Better safe than sorry, right? Especially considering who's entering.
From the looks of things, I've got some stiff competition. A few of last year's competitors are entering again, including emrox and sandwich-eater, both semi-finalists. Dave Pagurek van Mossel's also thrown his chips in, and the kid knows his stuff. I've also seen some posts from Jomillex and BobyB64 saying that they've entered. This ought to be a really fun. :)
I'm already thinking of what I could do for next round. It sounds weird, considering they announce a theme to stop people from starting early, but I think I've found a way to do some initial planning. I mean, no matter what, you're always going to need a set of characters and a setting, right? So why not just list out a few different options (say like two kids in a garage, or say a dog in the park). So, when the theme is announced, you have a whole list of characters and scenarios to choose from already. It becomes as simple as choosing out a combination that you think will work best, then changing and writing the story from there.
I guess there could be some downsides with this approach, though...
Released! I call it "The Quantum Freezer Theory." Also, don't get your hopes up for a laugh. I'm just as unfunny as I've ever been.
cool man looking forward to it, i had thought about makin something but with a fulltime job i havent had much of a chance to do it^^
That's too bad, man. To be honest, I probably won't get to participate any longer than about july, since the college I'm going to blocks NG, and I won't have flash to work with.