Hey Newgrounds! A bit of bad news. i'm likely not going to be able to submit much for a long while. How long? Probably about 3 years.
I'm packing my computer up tomorrow, and I'll be headed to college in about a week. Where I'm going, Newgrounds is likely going to be blocked, since--as far as I know--video streaming sites are blocked on campus, the only exception being youtube. After a year out at school, i'll be heading off on an LDS mission. On a mission, one simply does not go on the internet just for fun. One devotes all of their time to preaching the gospel and the atonement on a mission, so free reigns online can be a distraction at best, and dangerous otherwise.
Don't think i've just abandoned the Newgrounds Community, though, or go thinking that I've stopped animating forever. Quite the contrary. There are just some things that have to take precedence. Education and Faith are two of them. I'll be seeing you guys later, and i'll be working on new stuff for when I return, including that unfinished NATA entry, along with a sequel to one of my other videos.
Oh, also, before I go: I found this on youtube a little while ago. It's probably one of my favorite videos. Yeah, it's cheesy and uplifting. Deal with it.
wo man : (
Yeah, it's okay, though. I'm doing what's right, and that's what matters.