
Age 30, Male


Lost in thought

Joined on 6/22/10

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TravelSizedLions's News

Posted by TravelSizedLions - May 27th, 2023


That is all.


Posted by TravelSizedLions - September 16th, 2021

Hoping to get a rough draft of the main quest's plot done by around Halloween. Here's a peek at the first boss battle, The Heart of Shame. Have fun waiting.


Posted by TravelSizedLions - November 13th, 2020




Posted by TravelSizedLions - October 9th, 2020

Without something to anchor your place in the universe, you could find yourself wandering down unpleasant paths.




Posted by TravelSizedLions - December 18th, 2015

Homework = Drawing. Drawing = Awesome. Homework = Awesome.

Even though the semester's over, I'm still whittling away at mega long-term assignments and projects, like the classic flour sack animation test. As simple as it is, I really enjoy it.


Posted by TravelSizedLions - November 3rd, 2015

It's been more than 3 years since my last post...yeah...

Since October of 2013, I've been in South Orange County, California, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to YOU FILTHY HEATH---BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. :D

I appreciated every minute I spent being a mormon missionary. I've gained insights and perspectives that can only be gained through consistent self-sacrifice and diligent study of the scriptures. It's all true, you know. God really does love us, and wants to help us find peace and happiness in this ridiculous world. Like he has done in ancient times, He's called a prophet in our modern world to warn and prepare us for the future.

Now that I'm back in college and back online, I'll be posting more consistently. I've started my own weekly comic about what missionary work is like, and will be doing quite a bit on the art side of things. Don't worry, I'll be posting more than just religious missionary-type stuff. But for people who are just a bit curious about what LDS missionaries are like, you can get a sense through these light-hearted comics (though some of the future story arcs I have planned will delve into riculously fantasized situations--imagine two mormon missionaries fighting off dragons or discovering underground mole people--you'll get the idea). 

Anyway, stay cool everyone. :)


Posted by TravelSizedLions - August 12th, 2012

Hey Newgrounds! A bit of bad news. i'm likely not going to be able to submit much for a long while. How long? Probably about 3 years.

I'm packing my computer up tomorrow, and I'll be headed to college in about a week. Where I'm going, Newgrounds is likely going to be blocked, since--as far as I know--video streaming sites are blocked on campus, the only exception being youtube. After a year out at school, i'll be heading off on an LDS mission. On a mission, one simply does not go on the internet just for fun. One devotes all of their time to preaching the gospel and the atonement on a mission, so free reigns online can be a distraction at best, and dangerous otherwise.

Don't think i've just abandoned the Newgrounds Community, though, or go thinking that I've stopped animating forever. Quite the contrary. There are just some things that have to take precedence. Education and Faith are two of them. I'll be seeing you guys later, and i'll be working on new stuff for when I return, including that unfinished NATA entry, along with a sequel to one of my other videos.

Oh, also, before I go: I found this on youtube a little while ago. It's probably one of my favorite videos. Yeah, it's cheesy and uplifting. Deal with it.

Johnny Lingo

Posted by TravelSizedLions - June 7th, 2012

...so, what's on your mind?

My NATA novice round submission just cleared judgment a little while ago, you guys should really go check it out.

There are a lot of firsts in this video. Here are just a few:

-first time painting backgrounds in photoshop
-first time collaborating with users other than my close friends
-first time I incorporated a sort of message (sort of)
-first time branching out from my usual style
-first animation after finishing high school
-first time using my own music in a project

I plan to do a lot more experimenting in the next round, that is, if i make it to the next round. i'm going to be changing up the style a ton, with inspiration from dan paladin and pahgawk. Not that I'll be copying them, I'm just pulling a few ideas from their work in order to create something a bit different.

Also, I plan on working quite a bit on my writing and directing capability. I might be able to carry a joke or two, but I have not the slightest idea how to convey a serious message, nor present it in an easily followed fashion.

by the way, that KickStarter thing at the end, it's really really REALLY important to Newgrounds. Sure, it seems like a cheesy idea at first, but just think about it. We're talking about a live action mini series about one of the best websites out there.

So, uh, that's it for now. Thanks for reading! Comments are appreciated! Libel and religious bigotry aren't! :D

Posted by TravelSizedLions - June 2nd, 2012

This has got to be the most productive I've ever been. I've done about 20 seconds of character animation per day for the past few days now. At this rate, I'll be able to finish all of the character animation by monday, and then I can do the rest of the backgrounds on tuesday, wednesday, and thursday.

All I'm worried about now is getting the permission from the musicians to use their music. I haven't heard from a single person yet. And the whole project loses some of it's value if there's no music.

Oh, well. I suppose either way the end product will be good enough to move on in the contest.

Posted by TravelSizedLions - May 24th, 2012

I FINALLY got my lazy butt in gear and finished the storyboard and script. Now for the fun part: backgrounds and rough animation!